Sunday, April 28, 2013

Making Certificates Using Microsoft Word for Beginners

Making Certificates Using Microsoft Word for Beginners

In this day and age, computers play a vital role in our lives. In all fields needing computers whether for personal, business and especially for educational requirements.  In school, we always do some paper works like lesson planning, computation of grades, documents construction which can be practically made easy using computers. 

This blog is intended to help you make certificates using Microsoft word software in step by step process.
  1. Open Microsoft word.
  2. Set up the size of your certificate by clicking the page layout > size.  Decide what size of certificate you want to make.  Example you want 1 whole of short bond paper, select letter.
  3. You can set the margin by clicking page layout > margins.  You can customize your margin by selecting custom margins.  By clicking custom margins you can adjust the top, bottom, left, and right margin of your certificate.
  4. If you want to use the whole page of the short bond paper just set the Pages Multiple Pages at normal.  If you want to use half of the bond paper, you can change normal to 2 pagers per sheet. And click ok.  You can set up the size of your paper at this point by clicking the paper icon, and adjust the width and height of the bond paper by clicking the arrow.
  5. This time you can start writhing the content of your certificate.
  6. Now if you want to add border line, just click layout > page borders > page border, then you can select the setting you want.  Example you want the box icon, click the box icon.  From there you can select the style. If you only want the line style of border, just click the arrow under line. But if you want to use the art border, click the  icon under the art  and select the design you want for your border.  You can customize the color by clicking the arrow under color and width by clicking the arrow under the width part. Click ok to proceed.
  7. If you want to add logo or picture from your computer just click insert > picture > and scroll the picture or the logo that you want and click insert.
  8. Customize the picture size by clicking the picture and dragging the sides ( note: the cursor must look like an arrow). If you want that your picture is behind your text, right click the picture, select wrap text > behind text.  You can position your picture anywhere in your document just click and drag.
  9. If you want to insert clip arts, just click Insert > clip art.  You can search the clip art you want, just type the keyword in the search area and click go. Select the clip art you want , and there you have it on your document.  You can customize the same as you did with the picture.
  10. You are now done. That's how easy to make certificates using microsoft word.  Congratulations you have your certificate!